The Student News Site of Xaverian College


The Student News Site of Xaverian College


The Student News Site of Xaverian College




Xavazine is the magazine of Xaverian College, a Sixth Form College in the city of Manchester in the U.K.. Our magazine is a mix of news, culture, sport, lifestyle and student creative work. We will cover stories from our college, our local communities, Manchester and also have a global outlook.  

We want to be a voice for everyone at Xaverian and will always aim to be inclusive of the different people we have in our college community. We also aim to raise the voices of those that are often ignored by mainstream media, including people of colour,  LGBTQ+ people and working class people.  

In a world with increasing disinformation, we will always do our best to be accurate and respectful of individuals and communities. We want to be relevant to our audience, but also to be open minded and curious. We will offer a real variety and diversity in our content and will aim to be an entertaining and inspirational read. 



All contributors to Xavazine agree to: 

  • Be honest, fair and accurate.  
  • Treat the people and issues in our stories with respect.  
  • Not discriminate in our stories on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality religion, culture, age, sexual orientation or disability. The diversity of our group and college is our strength. 
  • Be open-minded and take into account a range of opinions. Aim to include the points of view of people directly involved in stories.  
  • Clearly label any opinion pieces that are the opinion of one writer. 
  • Bring any controversial articles to our weekly group to discuss. 
  • Not plagiarise and always credit any sources we use. 
  • Not use misleading information or alter photos or quotes. 
  • Research widely from a range of sources and people. Check our sources are credible. Cross check information. 
  • If we make a mistake we will apologise and print a correction.

Our Xavs Talks section will give students the opportunity to express their own personal opinions. These might be expressed with passion but we will still treat the issue with respect.

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