Xav Talks – What do you think about the teacher strikes?

Stella Year 12 Media Politics Sociology

“I think they’re good because people are fighting for what they want especially under this government which is really unfair to people who work so hard for us.”

Whys is unfair though? “I think teachers are obviously an essential job and its a hard job and they’re underpaid compared to other jobs in the commercial sector.”

Ruby Year 12 Combined English Graphics Film

“I think because they work so hard and put so much into us, we should put the same into them, even though it can have an impact on education, its more important that they get paid because its their job”

Joey Year 12 English Literature Psychology Film studies

“I think the same and that people think teaching is a really easy job but its actually horrendously difficult. I     think showing how difficult it is by striking shows that its not as easy as people think it is.”

Evie Year 13   

Evie Year 13  English Literature Film studies Media Studies 

“I’m in favour. I think its for a good cause. Is it for better pay?”Yes. Do you think its worth it? “I mean it’s one day and mocks aren’t being effected. The exams are still going ahead, so i think in the grand scheme of things, its fine.”





Charlie Year 12   “They’re getting more pay, good for them!”








Katie Year  13 Film Business Music Technology 

“I think they’re really good. I think the minor inconvenience of some people not having classes is worth it if they get what they’re asking for” Would people that are missing their lessons see it as an inconvenience? Probably but its worth it. It’s not a big deal you missing two of your lessons compared to someone getting severely underpaid for whatever they’re doing”

Nathan Year 12 Geography History Drama

“I don’t really care that much”


Emily Year 13 Classic Civilisation Art Theology  “I’m  all for it,they’re underpaid,they deserve a voice”








Will Year 12 Geography Biology Philosophy 

“I don’t really have any idea. But yes they should strike because they aren’t getting enough pay. If they think its the right thing to do they should do it”

Ella Year 12 Fine Art Geography Biology 

“Go teachers!! They have such a stressful job. I could not teach some of the people in our classes, they barely get proper holidays and they have to go on trips. They deserve money”