Street harassment is any unwanted demands, acts, comments, or gestures directed to someone in a public space. Did you know that in the UK street harassment is actually illegal and you can be sentenced up to two years in prison for wolf whistling, shouting comments at someone or following them closely? However the idea that this would stop street harassment is unfortunately just a dream. One in every ten people in the UK have experienced some sort of street harassment and this is from AGE 16. Most people haven’t finished high school by the time there sixteen yet there still being harassed. This is why I decided to do this article, so we can create awareness.
65% of women in the UK have experienced some sort of street harassment and 25% of men have as well. With a massive 41% of women saying this was a physical act e.g. flashing, followed or groped, and 16% of men! IT GETS WORSE! The Crown Prosecution Service, says that 71% of women have been sexually harassed on the street. However an average of 95% NINETY FIVE PERCENT of these cases don’t get reported and charged. Siobhan Blake, CPS national lead for Rape and Serious Sexual Offences said: “It is sickening that seven in 10 women, almost three quarters – have been subjected to this disgusting behaviour. The website also says that this can be ‘‘cyber-flashing, up skirting or the exposure of genitals in a public place are crimes which can and will be prosecuted’’.
What can we do to help stop street harassment, I found a website called IT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. (I’ll link it at the end of the article).The top tips to help against street harassment where:
Actively listen when someone tells you there story
- Get uncomfortable (challenge biases)
- Speak about your own experiences(when your ready)
- Share educational content on social media
- Call out victim blaming
- Be an active bystander
- Join an anti-street harassment group or organisation.
Remember street harassment can happen to anyone so don’t judge!
We shouldn’t have to protect ourselves they should stop. However, whilst the world is like this we can take measures to stay safe. The Suzy Laumplugh trust website has a moto of “Live Life Safe”. Some of there personal safety advice for students in Claude’s advice about accommodation, going out at night, safety when out and about, travelling by taxi, and travelling by public transport. Along with many other areas for advice on how to stay safe( website linked below).
Please stay safe and access help if you need it, together we can make a step towards ending street harassment!
If you have experienced, been affected, or known someone who has been abused, harassed or experienced any type of violence and are looking for somewhere to turn to here are some places that might be able to help you. Please find support wherever you feel comfortable, we believe you!